Affiliate Program - 15% Commission - Wall Art Prints – Seven Paper Prints

Affiliate Program

We offer a 15% commission from all sales generated by your visitors and a 10% off coupon (for your visitors)


Join Affiliate Program

Get a $5 registration bonus.


General info:

5 years on the market

- 3.3% conversion rate

- Average Order Value (AOV) $112

- 60 days cookie period

- $20 minimum payout

 SevenPaperPrints - conversion rate

We accept all channels except:

- Doorways

- Websites with pornographic content and other illegal content

- Methods that distort information about our products and prices.

- Methods that will claim our organic sales as referral sales: coupon sites, cookie stuffers, etc.

- Other methods that can harm our reputation, business, or website (SPAM, etc.)


We sell: printed and shipped art (unframed), framed prints, canvases, and other relevant products. We also provide services (like printing service). You'll get 15% from listed products and from all custom orders (which are usually more expensive) your visitors generate.

All products (sorted by popularity) -

Our store on Etsy -


Join us now!


You can use any content from our website for promotion. Custom content is available upon request. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions